Does Oprah Winfrey Compare to Mother Theresa?

Some food for thought… Mother Teresa Oprah Winfrey Comparable? I think so… Oprah’s fan base and sphere of influence has changed many lives..  Perhaps Oprah will one day rank up with Mother Theresa…

Recent Pictures!

Ryesha’s Wedding (Congratulations Ryesha and Tyrel!)   Snowboarding in Utah (Snow Basin and Wolf Mountain)

The Blue Jeans Experiment…

Today I went shopping at Costco and got a portable hard drive for my media files to free up space on my Laptop for installed programs. The drive is working out great BTW…  While I was there, I browsed the clothing section for Blue Jeans and found some very good buys…        My curiosity … [Read more…]

Spock Sings


Yes, I have a Man Crush on Barack Obama

If you can answer Yes to this statement, you also have a man crush on Barack Obama: If it was cold outside and Barack didn’t have a coat I’d spoon with him to keep him warm. See, easy answer.