Volkswagen Carbon Neutral,, the VW Forest, and Clean Diesel and Volkswagen partnered for the VW Carbon Neutral initiative which makes it easy for Volkswagen owners and friends to take action (read as.. pay) toward offsetting their carbon emissions.

The contributions of the Carbon Neutral Project will be put toward the re-forestation of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, a.k.a. The VW Forest.

The following Carbon Footprint and  “Offset Cost” is for my 2007 GTI with Automatic Transmission and 15,000 miles per year.

My Carbon Footprint Penance is $47.52.  The money goes toward rebuilding the VW Forest and I get a cool bumper sticker.. Not Bad!

Jetta Sport Wagon TDI Clean Diesel
On a side note: I’m considering a move to the new Jetta Sport Wagon TDI Clean Diesel but I expect it will be a tough trade off since the GTI is the love of my life *as far as cars can be..

We’ll see how the specs turn out on the Diesel.. Until then, I’ll keep romancing the GTI.  😀