Facebook Ad – The Real American Dream

I’ve always been impressed by the clarity and punch of Facebook’s tiny ads.  Check this one out…

I\'m Fat and Rich

Is this a stock photo?  I wonder if this guy knows he’s the poster child for the Real American Dream.  I’m curious how it got this way… Check out the US Obesity Trends 1985 – 2006.

What can you do?

  1. See the progression and what could happen
  2. Calculate your BMI (My BMI is 25; officially Overweight! I need to lose 16lbs)

Take Action!

  1. I’ve been rock climbing 3x per week for the last 8 weeks
  2. I started YOGA this weekend.. 2x per week…  Yoga is Brutal!
  3. I also cut down on portions and sweets.
  4. I feel better already.

Online Portion Control Resources
Portion Distortion Quiz
– See how portions have changed over the last 20 years and learn how much you’ll need to exercise if you eat the “Whole Thing”.