One Buttock Playing – The explanation of my sitting style at work
Benjamin Zander provides a great view… Benjamin Zander on Music and Passion
Benjamin Zander provides a great view… Benjamin Zander on Music and Passion
Every year Google comes up with an April Fools day prank product… Check out what they did this year Google’s 2009 April Fools Day Prank Check out the Past Google April Fools Jokes
This writing from C.S. Lewis is epic. Have a read… C.S. Lewis (1898-1963), professor of medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University, was also a novelist, a writer of children’s books, and a popular speaker on moral and religious issues. In the early 1940s, he delivered a series of radio talks on the BBC that were … [Read more…]
Once my friends are amazed I’ll be happy, truly happy.
But if you do not find an intelligent companion, a wise and well-behaved person going the same way as yourself, then go on your way alone, like a king abandoning a conquered kingdom, or like a great elephant in the deep forest. -Buddha
Check out all the geeky data you can get with Chrome by pressing Shift+ESC, or by typing About:Memory in the address bar. I like the part about “Stats for Nerds”. I’m only part nerd, but this was equally good for me. As you can see, Google also knows what’s up with memory in Firefox, and … [Read more…]
Check out my latest review of The Melting Pot in Scottsdale.
I’ve been looking for a bird cage on craigslist and ran across this awesome post… Awesome cage full of toys and goodies… The Dam cat ate our bird… The cat is no longer on the planet…. He joined Elvis… Anyway… This is a really nice cage. I love it!
Hands down, Winamp’s media library reigns supreme over iTunes. Reasons: Re-Scan watch Folders Remove duplicate files from library Need I say more? OK. I will. Recursive scanning of watch folders does away with the user being required to pick a folder to scan. Winamp simply searches for new files in folders. What if I have … [Read more…]
This is one of my favorite songs: